San Antonio, TX | 133,000 Sq. Ft. | $55,000,000 | New Construction

LCCx worked directly for the City of San Antonio Transportation and Capital Improvements (TCI) Department on this task order from the City of San Antonio’s On-Call Building Commissioning and LEED Monitoring Services contract. We performed MEP Commissioning and Building Enclosure Commissioning (BECx) on these multiple building campuses.
COMMISSIONING: LCCx performed Commissioning on the energy using systems, HVAC/Controls, Domestic Hot Water, and Lighting Controls according to the IECC 2015 Energy Conservation Codes. Our commissioning activities included Design Reviews, Submittal Reviews, Pre-Functional Checklist Verification, and finally Functional Performance Testing. From the beginning of the Design process LCCx provided Design Reviews and began a Commissioning Issues Log of any identified Commissioning related issues. This log was maintained throughout the Commissioning process until Final resolution of all the outstanding issues. LCCx performed Commissioning on the Genset and Automatic Transfer Switches.
BUILDING ENCLOSURE COMMISISONING: LCCx performed the full range of Building Enclosure Services. We reviewed the Owner’s OPR and BOD (Basis of Design) for the project. We commented extensively during the design and submittal review processes and we developed the enclosure specification. We were particularly successful during construction observation phase at identifying potential air barrier leaks and working with the design and construction teams to achieve solutions. We worked very closely with the air barrier membrane manufacturer and the water-proofing/damp-proofing contractors. We worked closely with the roofer to assure that roofing details were consistent with maintaining the integrity of the air barrier. We made several recommendations which were incorporated. We performed a Functional Performance Test (FPT) in the form of ASTM E779 (Air Leakage Rate by Fan Pressurization) on the whole building and it exceeded code by 60%