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San Antonio, TX | 6 Municipal Facilities | Existing Buildings

LCCx was selected to serve as the Commissioning Authority and perform Retro-Commissioning services on six municipal facilities for the City of San Antonio. 


Each facility achieved significant energy cost savings.  Assessments included interviews with operation and maintenance staff, inspection of the faciltities and the equipment systems to the extenst necessary to produce an ESA Phase 1 and 2 Audit.   Additonally, LCCx developed an equpment list with nameplate information for all major energy-consuming equipment. 


Retro-commissioning: The City Energy manager identified six facilities which were performing far under the energy benchmark of the Energy Starr portfolio manager for properties of this type.  LCCx was tasked with performing a complete retrocommissioning process for each of the properties.


Step one:  Perform a complete ASHRAE level enegy 3 audit on each of the properties.  All ECM were identified and an ROI was established for each measure.  Those meeting the investment criteria were selected for implementation. 


Step two:  Initial retrocommissioning of the facilities all mechanical equipment was brought back into design parameters consistent with the design sequence of operation. 


Step three:  The ECMs identified were installed.  LCCx managed the intallation of ECMs by mechanical and controls contractors. 


Step four:  The newly renovated equipment was retrocommissioned to bring all aspects up to proper operating parameters. 

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